분류 전체보기523 [Github] Committed in IntelliJ but Not Pushed to GitHub Hi guys, Errors come back to me again. When you come up against errors like these, you can check it out. Follow the steps. 1. Open the Terminal2. Type "git status" If you see "your branch is ahead of 'origin main' by 2 commit It means your flies have not been pushed now. 3. Type "git push origin main" that's all. It's so easy, right? BBye 2025. 2. 27. [IntelliJ] Connection From IntelliJ to Github While making a Java project, I encountered a problem connecting GitHub with IntelliJ. This writing is to solve that problem. Follow these steps In the bar, click clone and Copy your own GitHub project address in the "https://github.com/" and fill that blank with your own GitHub address. BBye 2025. 2. 25. [미국유학준비] 토플 점수 완료 그렇게 막, 잘나온 성적은 아니지만 이제, 나도 어딘가에 명함 정도는 내밀어 볼 수 있는 성적을 가지게 되었다 토플을 하면서 얻게된 교훈 하면 된다. 이제 다음 단계로 정진에 나가자. 이제 뒤돌아보지말고, 앞으로 나아가자. 2024. 11. 15. [그냥 생각나서 적는 것들] 토플 이제 1년차에 접어든다. 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2024. 9. 24. [Writing] AI나, 과학도구의 발전이 우리에게 도움이 되는 예시 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2024. 8. 14. [제품후기] GoingBus MT-GPT review 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2024. 8. 8. [Speaking] some people prefer to learn about current events from watching television news programs. Others prefer to read about current events in newspapers or on the Internet. Which do you think is better? Watching the news or reading the news? [If I were to answer the question],[I would say I prefer to learn about current events from watching television news programs.] [There are many reasons why, but here is a couple]. [Watching television] [can be a way to save my time]. For example / For instance[I don’t have to] [search through multiple articles online], [and that can be a way to save my time]. 12간지 넣고[To save my time], [I will wa.. 2024. 8. 7. [Writing] 토의형, economic success should come at the cost of damage to the environment? 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2024. 8. 4. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 66 다음