Toefl/Speaking 9

[Speaking] Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should help their parents with household chores as soon as they are old enough.

agree 1. enhancing social abilities 2. old people weak ex) As far as I am concerned, I agree with the statement that children should help their parents with household chores as soon as they are old enough. First and foremost, supporting parents would be beneficial, this is mainly due to the fact that assisting parents enables children to enhance their social abilities by cooperating in chore wor..

Toefl/Speaking 2023.11.10

[Speaking] State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons using specific details in your argument. Teachers should assign daily homework to students

agree 1. Checking 2. bond of relationship As far as I am concerned, I agree with the statement that teachers should assign daily homework to students. First and foremost, daily homework would be benficial, this is mainly due to the fact that assignment enables the educators to confirm which studetns understand the class. That is to say, If they don't have enough knowledge to resolve the challeng..

Toefl/Speaking 2023.11.10

[Speaking] 04/23/2023 (일) 예제 0~5번 풀기

하, 인생이 뭔가, 고독하고, 고달프다랄까-? 이게 수험생의 생활이겠지요-? 진짜 이번만 이번만, 어떻게 한번 해보리다... Toefl speaking task 1 Template structure 0. 내 주장 1-1 첫 번째 의견 1-2 첫 번째 근거, 예시 2-1 두번째 의견 2-2 두번째 근거, 예시 3. 결론 (시간이 남으면 해주면 좋긴하다. 근데 점수는 의견과 근거가 잘 부합하는가 더 중요.) Brainstorming QA.1 “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should help their parents with household chores as soon as they are old enough. Use de..

Toefl/Speaking 2023.04.23

[Speaking] 토플 스피킹 공부방법

블로깅 할 시간이 없어서 일단 두서 없이 다 적어놔야겠다.. Method 토플 스피킹 task 1, 2 는 구글에 치면 결과가 많이나온다. 토플 교제에서 실전문제에서 답안 작성해서 에이포 기준 6줄, 처음에는 오래거리는데 이렇게 써서 한달만 매일 시간 투자해서 한달 참고 5개씩 써서 암기해보셈, 암기시 중요한건 오류없는 참삭 외우기 외국인 친구 사귀기, 대화하는 연습 아침에 일어나서 갑자기 계속 짓걸여 보는거죠. 전화 영어를 이용해보자. 단어도 표현도 잊어버리게 된다. 토플 스피킹은 영어로 말할줄 아는지를 물어보는거임. As far as I am concerned ~ Without a doubt, I agreed with the statement, announcement, proposal, There a..

Toefl/Speaking 2023.04.22