[Speaking] 스피킹 요약 할 때 좋은 문구
2023. 11. 19. 21:49
local market aids in making it easier for consumers to get fresh foods 전통시장은 소비자들이 신선한 제품을 쉽게 구할 수 있도록 도와준다.
[Writing] If you graduate from a university which company do you prefer to a large or start-up company?
2023. 11. 18. 16:06
A thought-provoking current issue concerns that the established company is a better choice. However, some people believe that taking a position fresh company would serve spacious excitements. Therefore, It is imperative to examine this viewpoint. In the following sections, I will present my reasons for strongly agreeing with the statement. A thought-provoking current issue concerns that the esta..
[Writing] Remote work, Working from home, online course 관련 이유
2023. 11. 17. 14:35
Working from home can enrich individuals' quality of life by creating a clear distinction between work and break time. Additionally, individuals who are able to effectively manage their break time during remote work are likely to experience improved performance. Furthermore, the lack of constant supervision in remote work environments can foster feelings of autonomy and reduce stress levels in t..
[Toefl] 어셔어학원, 해커스 토플 전화상담 받아본 후기 2023
2023. 11. 16. 13:15
어셔어학원 (Usher) http://www.usher.co.kr/counsel/counsel_1.php www.usher.co.kr 다음이 어셔어학원 사이트인데 여기에 상담 문의 남기면 상담사한테 전화가온다. 종합반 오늘 기준으로 한달에 88만원이다. (식대는 포함 안되는 가격) 수업은 9시 시작 ~ 5시 끝 끝나면 스터디랑, 공부하고 가는 분위기인것 같다. 그리고 전화상담후, 현재 토플이 몇점인지와는 상관없이 반배치고사를 보고 실제 상담이 이어지는것 같다. 특이사항은 없고, 본사가 잠원에 있다. 그리고 어셔어학원은 후기가 다 2010~몇년대 밖에 없어서 조금 정보가 부족하긴하다. 나도 사실 지인추천으로 상담받아본거라. 선배피셜, 첫 수업 시작 때 60명 들어왔는데 학원 나오실 때, 단 3명 토플 졸업..
[Writing] targeted advertisements are having problems?
2023. 11. 12. 16:00
A thought-provoking current issue concerns that targeting advertiesments allow consumers to reach with products and services that are relevant to their interests. Nevertheless, Some individuals believe that Advertiser shouldn't be able to track and use our personal information to sell us products. Hence, It is imperative to examine of this viewpoint. In the following sections, I will present my ..
[Speaking] 토플 스피킹 Task1 문제 리스트
2023. 11. 12. 00:00
QA.1 “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should help their parents with household chores as soon as they are old enough. Use details and examples in your response.” QA.2 “State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons using specific details in your argument. Teachers should assign daily homework to students.” QA.3 “There a..