[Reading] History of clock Industry
2023. 6. 12. 10:02
topic: 산업화가 가져온 시계산업의 발달 다양한 종류의 시계가 고대에서부터 사용되어져왔다, 그러나 현대적 의미에서 시계산업은 18세기부터 시작하였다. 18세기 이전에, 시계와 손목시계는 과학자 영역이나, 돈이 많은 취미에 거의 국한되어있었으며, 주먹구식으로 말로 시간을 전하곤 하였다. 그러나 산업 혁명이 가져온 수송의 변화가 시간기록의 필요성을 가져왔으며, 대중들의 마음속에 시간의식을 굳건히 자리 맺히게 도왔다. Topic: 기찻길의 발달과 영국 시장의 패권장악 디자인, 제품, 그리고 무역 영국은 현대 산업의 선구자였다. 정확하며, 휴대가능한 시계를 만들려는 영국인의 성향은 수요의 증가와 이동 인구에게 완벽하게 적합하였다. 그리고 초기 영국에서의 기찻길의 발달은 1800년대 전반기에 영국의 시장 패권..
[Toefl] 토플 벽을 느꼇다.
2023. 6. 10. 15:13
오늘 첫, 시험을 보았는데 (I took my first exam today) 모의시험을 봤을 때는 (definitely, I was getting into a mock test) 리딩, 리스닝 각각 21점, 21점 스피킹, 라이팅 17점, 20점을 받았었다. (respectively, Reading and Listening scores were 21 and 2. Moreover speaking and writing scores were 17 and 210) 그런데 (Incidentally) 실제 시험 보고 조금 힘이 빠진다랄까 -? (I am a little bit burnout) 리딩, 리스닝 각각 14점, 8점을 받아왔다. StandFord 들어가려면 100점 이상이 필요한데, (Today's re..
[Listening] Economy class: 1930 Depression in the united states
2023. 6. 6. 12:03
The professors elaborate 1930 united states depression. The story was starting with one of the students saying about his grandfather was an accountant in the NewYork during the Depression period. The majority of the banks had been gotten into bankrupt. Moreover public pull out the money from the banks, thereby most banks were going to dry and went down. In addition, A student inquired about why ..
[Writing] Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most of the biggest problems in the world will be solved in the next few decades. Use details and examples to support your answer. (재작성)
2023. 6. 5. 15:50
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most of the biggest problems in the world will be solved in the next few decades. Use details and examples to support your answer. - develop tech, - human survival instinct First and foremost, technological development can lead to eliminating kind of issues regarding all parts sections. Generally, technical development made use of a variety ..
[Writing] Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most of the biggest problems in the world will be solved in the next few decades. Use details and examples to support your answer.
2023. 6. 4. 11:10
Topic: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most of the biggest problems in the world will be solved in the next few decades. Use details and examples to support your answer. 기술의 발전은 많은 문제를 해결해준다 -> 모든 350자 An ongoing debate exists over whether most of the biggest problems in the world will be solved in the next few decades. I firmly feel that resolving world problems would be ..
[Listening] 리스닝 conversation summary 67p 5~8
2023. 6. 3. 23:51
요약 A student drops by the prof office to get advice from the professor regarding whether to go graduate school or enter a prominent job. Before she asked the question, she talked about her developed materials which were found yesterday and related to her group’s topic. After talking about the problem, the professor responded to her issue, researching other information would be beneficial to them..