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[Writing] targeted advertisements are having problems?

by AlexHouse 2023. 11. 12.



A thought-provoking current issue concerns that targeting advertiesments allow consumers to reach with products and services that are relevant to their interests. Nevertheless, Some individuals believe that Advertiser shouldn't be able to track and use our personal information to sell us products. Hence, It is imperative to examine of this viewpoint. In the following sections, I will present my reasons for agreeing with the statement. First and foremost, targeting advertisements streamline the process of finding products and services that match individuals preference, eliminating the need for extensive searching and browsing. Moreover, there is no concrete evidences to suggest that browsing companies is capable of tracking every piece of personal data. Occasionally, targeted advertisement can serve as a reminder of times that individuals may have overlooked or forgotten. Furthermore, the algorithm is inherently incapable of malicious intent. Furthermore, the code, based on logical principles, is unable to gather user information without explicit consent through integrated accounts like Chrome, Firefox, and Whale, rendering malicious utilization virtually impossible.

To sum up, Everyone may hold a different view on this issue. However, I indubitably support the perspective that targeting advertisements lead customer to reach with items and sevices that relevant to their interests. 



여기 너무 중요한 단어들이 많다.


explicit consent : 명백한 동의

concrete evidences: 명백한 증거

based on ~, : ~에 근거한

It is imperative to examine the legitimacy of the viewpoint:  관점에 반드시 정당성을 반드시 점검해야한다.

Is capable of : ~에 대한 능력

is incapable of : ~할수 없는

inherently : 내재적으로
process of finding products and services: 제품이나 서비스를 찾는 과정