A thought-provoking current issue concerns that AI has the potential to solve many of the world’s problems, from climate change to disease. However, some people believe that AI become automated, leaving people without work. Therefore, it is timely to consider the validity of this perspective. In the following sections, I will present my reasons for strongly agreeing with the statement. First and foremost, Artificial Intelligence is possible to accelerate to the extent of genre’s development like biotic, medical, and automatic, and this can lead people to focus really the importance of tasks. In addition, advanced technology reduces people's wasted time by eliminating repetitive tasks. For example, when I was working at an IT company, I had to change a significant amount of code that I had developed one by one. However, after the release of ChatGPT, I no longer have to do this repetitive work. To sum up, Everyone may hold a different view on this issue. However, I indubitably support the perspective that there are several benefits to developing AI.
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