A thought-provoking current issue concerns that the principal opinion for longevity is that technological developments enable humans not to utilize their bodies much time anymore. However, some people believe that medical technology has certainly played a role, and improvements in government services have been just as important. Therefore, It is timely to consider the validity of this perspective. In the following sections, I will present my reasons for strongly agreeing with the statement. First and foremost, people’s bodies also are consumed like other metal devices, if they are used for a period of a long time, they actually would be more likely to have degraded performance than in the past. In the same way, Human bodies also could deteriorate, but technological advances made people on the wane rate of application their bodies usage. For example, in the previous generation, humans had to walk and ride horses to transfer. However, the advent of vehicles makes it possible to reduce the use of our physical in distant areas. To sum up, everyone may hold a different view on this issue. However, I indubitably support the perspective that high technology enables human to delay their rate of body application which manage to longer live.
row quality -> degraded performance, decreased durability
the vehicles -> vehicles (the안씀)
use -> the use of our physical
high technology enable -> enables.
the rate of body application -> rate of body application.
다음세대 :
next generation, coming generation, succeeding generation
previous generation, forefathers, ancestors
가능하게 해준다 ******
allow people to ~
enable people to ~
It is possible to be ~
become p.p ~
force to ~
commit to ~
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