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[Writing] WR what do you think, Does social media cause more harm than good?

by AlexHouse 2023. 11. 6.



A thought-provoking current issue concerns that social media has caused more harm than good. However, some people believe that social media has mostly improved society. Therefore, It is timely to consider the validity of this perspective. In the following sections, I will present my reasons for strongly disagreeing with the statement. First and foremost, social media is possible to be an addiction for most people. Furthermore, those people who become addicted to pleasure made unavailable anything which they should do general work, including on one's daily work. For example, when I was young, I was used to watching YouTube shorts and Instagram reels. As you can see these parts made it impossible to stop watching, and after that I couldn’t finish my homework until the cutoff, accordingly, my score was going to end up on the wane. To sum up, everyone may hold a different view on this issue. However, I indubitably support the perspective that social media has caused more erroneous than benefits .


틀린 문법:


쾌락에 빠진 사람들

those people who were fallen in the pleasures -> fall in the pleasures


쾌락에 빠지다 
*fall in = 어디에 떨어지다, 하락하다, 실패하다 용으로 많이씀

give in to pleasure

become addicted to pleasure

보곤 했었다
Be used to watching YouTube.
유튜브 = YouTube 이렇게 적어야됨.
As you can see 다음 콤마 적지 않아도 된다.

그 이후 라는 의미: after that => and after that

성적이 떨어지다, 시험에 망하다 : I failed the examination.


대부분은 사람들을 이야기 할 때
most people
the majority of people 
most of all


absolutely 고급 용어 (동의어)

indubitably: 의심할 여지 없이
unquestionably: 의심의 여지 없이
assuredly: 확실히 틀림 없이
일상적인 일
one's daily work
casual work
a daily occurrence

due day
end day




중독에 관련된 답변-
Dopamine, the reward system, can control the brain, sometimes playing a role in giving confidence and motivation for success. On the other hand, if the brain only yearns for compensation, the majority of people who give in to dopamine cannot judge decisions correctly and stop what they do, such as drugs, gambling, and social media, which repeatedly remind the brain of the reward.


yearn for
role in
call it dopamine