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[Writing] 04/30/2023 (일) 토플 Essay 3개

by AlexHouse 2023. 4. 30.



Book vs Experience (책 또는 직접 경험 중 뭐가 더 좋은가?)


Choice: Book

First of all, Reading a book is cheap and affordable as an aspect of cost-effectiveness. In other words, People can simply get books in the library, bookstore, and Internet. also, using the Internet or library doesn't have to pay for getting some sources, as they served materials for free. 

Secondly, Saving time would be possible by studying a book. To explain, those who consume books aren't constrained by space and time. as they can easily begin in various locations such as their home, class, library, and anywhere. Not limited conditions about hours and area serve the conserving time.


How do movies or TV affect people?


Choice: Positive

First of all, watching television provides relaxation to the human mind. Specifically, people feel enjoyment while watching television programs, such as dramas, variety shows, and documentaries. Additionally, enjoyment can help to relax their emotions, This is why people can wipe out their stress and forget about difficult memories and things. In my experience, when I had been practicing for a job interview simulation and felt pressure and anxiety, suddenly I watched my favorite program national geographic program on television. after watching the program, I was able to forget about my stress and worry.

Secondly, movies and television provide informative knowledge. To explain, people can learn anything easily on television. This is because there are many programs that convey a unique and good source to the public. also, people can prepare for future problem such as inflation and weather through the news. For instance, when I was young, I had been watched an investment program on television, and I could hear beneficial .information on preparing for deflation in 6 months. As expected, the stock market was going to the bottom And I could get ready for this situation.



A small town vs. a big city


Choice: a big town

First of all, big city serve the convenient infrastructure. specifically most people want to live in the city which equipped with the essential facilities such as medical, food, and Entertainment. This is because, these elements can resolve their desire such as fun, sickness , and interest.

Secondly, living in the big city allow people to communicate a lot of people. To explan, people like to feel bond in their ralationship. this is because, the connection can relieve the stress and alleviate their anxiety.

큰 도시에 사는것은 다양한 경험을 접해볼 수 있다.. 구체적으로 이야기해보자면, 큰 도시에는 롯데월드, FiveguysBugers. club과 같은 놀것, 볼것, 새로운 것들이 매일 새롭게 생겨 나기 때문에 다양한 경험을 해볼 수 있음 

Secondly, 큰 도시에는 다양한 음식이 있다. 구체적으로 이야기해보자면, 도시는 배달이 활성화 되어있고, 본인이 원하면 아무때나 직접 방문이나, 배달을 이라는 수단을 통해서 다양한 음식속에서 먹고싶은 음식을 시간에 관계 없이 음식을 먹을 수 있음.




To be continued..