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[Openlayers] Openlayers Heatmap Usage

by AlexHouse 2023. 2. 1.


How can I use Heatmap() in openlayer?


It's easy to use than you think about it.





If you finished this script You can handle heatmap Method that you want


That's an example.




⭐ Don't forget to inherit openlayers ⭐



Create map



You need to make a map to put layers on.


const openStreetMap = new ol.Map ({
    target: 'o2map2',
    layers : [ new ol.layer.Tile({
        source: new ol.source.OSM(),
    view : new ol.View ({
        center : [127, 33],
        zoom : 5,
        projection : 'EPSG:4326'



This's mean openstreetmap setting.




#o2map2 {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    float: left;
    /* position: absolute; */
    background: white;
    z-index: 0;
    font-size: 0px;



Don't forget setting css style like this!




<div class="map-area">
    <div id="o2map2"></div>




This is html section.





Now we're starting setting heatmap method.



const heatmapData = new ol.Feature ({
    geometry: new ol.geom.Point([126,37])

const heatmapLayer = new ol.layer.Heatmap({
    source: new ol.source.Vector({
        features: [heatmapData]
    blur: 5,
    radius: 10




This is heatmap setting code.


If you write heatmap code, You have to be careful


1. ol.source.Vector should be inside in heatmap

2. feature: [source] <- don't forget surrounding bracket.







If you clear the mission you can see a heatmap like this.



Control blur and radius

How can we change blur or radius ?  come on 


I'll teach it


It doesn't care about How can you make input range. Just Make it the way you want it.



    const heatmapControl = document.querySelector("#liContents1");

            heatmapControl.innerHTML += `<input type="range" id="radiusControl" min="0" max="15" step="1"> `
            heatmapControl.innerHTML += `<input type="range" id="blurControl" min="0" max="15" step="1"> `

            const radiusControl = document.querySelector('#radiusControl');
            const blurControl = document.querySelector('#blurControl');

            radiusControl.addEventListener('input', () => {

            blurControl.addEventListener('input', () => {



input mean when we swing from side to side on input range method,


We can change a data instantly.


And We should input min = 0, if you're not do that you can see strange error!







Now we can control blur and radius data directly.


Maybe we call it "asynchronization"




To be continue..