[Apache] Download an Apache program
2022. 2. 21. 22:42
Long time no see I am making a writing. And I can't upload a post. I didn't have enough time to make a post. Because I spent a lot of time to studying Java and ERDB. So Today I learn about why we use an apache program, It can make a server althrough apache program. So We have to download the program and make environment. Visit Apache site. And Click the "Tomcat" https://apache.org/ Welcome to Th..
[MySQL] Talk about Join method in SQL
2022. 2. 11. 03:30
Today We gotta go study about join. I think if you used this first time It will be difficult a little bit. because this method need to understand about relationship. If you are study about join, you can understand easily. So Let's go follow me . Create table book5 Create table review5 Insert into book5 values Insert into review5 values left join What's different with inner join? ※As you can see ..
[MySQL] Data Manipulation Language (DML)
2022. 2. 9. 00:09
if we finish the a DDL. Now We start to study next chapter DML. Let 's start it Insert, Select Update Delete, You can see seq 1 line was deleted. To be continue
[MySQL] MySQL을 github으로 Commit하는 방법
2022. 2. 8. 23:14
정말 간단하다 하지만 오랜만에 하게되면 기억이 나지 않을 수도 있으니 미리미리 복습해두자. To be continue
[MySQL] Data Definition Language (DDL)
2022. 2. 7. 23:08
Today We are going to study DDL. It include CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME and TRUNCATE. So Let's get it. Create table, We maed a table called test3. Drop table, It's easy just type it. alter table tablename add tel int; alter table name drop tel; alter table tablename modify tel int; , this is mean that modify column attribute. alter table tablename change tel pongpong varchar(45); As you know We ..
[MySQL] Insert into "table" values
2022. 2. 4. 03:14
Today we gonna study how to insert the data in database. It's easy than we thought. So Don't worry about it. It 's easy so Let's start immediately Insert into "table" ( ) Values ( ); ※Don't forget use ' ' when you use a word. if you aren't that you can see this error. Check the data through this method, Select & from table; To be continue