[IT] Chrome Developer Mode Tips
2023. 2. 7. 13:54
You can chnage css style immediately. If your mouse cursor put on the style. You gain an authority about changing style, you can change px style by using up key and down key. You see this image that you can change the data immediately. To be continued..
[IT] 국민은행 공인인증서 복사 방법
2023. 2. 5. 12:53
국민은행 접속 인증서 관리 인증서 가져오기 인증서 복사 하드디스크로 복사 그리고 공인 인증서 비밀번호 까지 적어주고 Enter 눌러주면 복사 된다. To be continued..
[Vscode] Vscode SVN Committing
2023. 2. 3. 13:42
How can we commit a file through SVN ? Today We gotta commit some files at SVN. Method Click source control (the third option at the left sidebar) And Click Changes and select what you wanna commit files. After Select the files and Clicking the right mouse. (Now you can see the commit Selected like this image) And Writing some comments what you wanna say or indicate words You got it. To be conti..
[Vscode] Visual Studio Code SVN Setting
2023. 2. 2. 11:42
I wanna try to kinda framework And It's important that we can use a lot of shells lol ,, Let's get it . Method First of all, You should download Visual Studio Code and SVN It's almost similar tointelliJ SVN setting method. ( I think It's same ) If you download the VScode that you can see this pic. So We start to download SVN tools CLICK : ctrl + shift + x and search the SVN and Click the most po..
[Openlayers] Openlayers Heatmap Usage
2023. 2. 1. 11:47
How can I use Heatmap() in openlayer? It's easy to use than you think about it. Method If you finished this script You can handle heatmap Method that you want That's an example. achacha ⭐ Don't forget to inherit openlayers ⭐ Create map You need to make a map to put layers on. const openStreetMap = new ol.Map ({ target: 'o2map2', layers : [ new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.OSM(), }) ], v..
[Openlayers] Openlayers code storage
2023. 1. 26. 15:57
polygon, circle, dot ... and style const map = new ol.Map ({ target : 'o2map', layers : [ new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.OSM() }) ], view: new ol.View ({ zoom: 5, projection : 'EPSG:4326', center: [127, 35.22], }) }) const featureSource = new ol.source.Vector ({ }) const featureLayer = new ol.layer.Vector ({ source: featureSource }) const dotLayer = new ol.Feature ({ geometry : new ol..