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Published 2023. 2. 15. 12:30


As working The query stopped my work.



So I have to figure out what the problem It is.






If we wanna make multiple columns like this




Why should we do like this way? 


Because we use it Search function so we are recommended this method.


UPPER means "Capitalizes lowercase letters."




	FCLTY_TYPE_CODE IN ('FCT003', 'FCT004', 'FCT005')
	AND UPPER(REPLACE(MANAGE_CODE, ' ', '')) LIKE '%'|| 5||'%'
    // TRIM(COLUMN) 좌우 공백을 없애준다
    // REPLACE(COLUMN, [이것을], [이것으로 바꿔준다.])
    다음과 같이 사용 할 수 있겠다.










To be continued..

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